
The Glow-worm Academy

As part of our mission to Keep Britain Glowing, we offer a wide range of courses to support our installers.

We offer both practical in-centre courses, and online training options, to help find the right courses and training journey for you.

Glow-worm Training Courses

Boiler Courses

Browse our range of boiler courses

Controls Courses

Browse our range of controls courses

Industry Courses

Browse our range of industry courses

Glow-worm Training Courses

Boiler Courses

Browse our range of boiler courses

Controls Courses

Browse our range of controls courses

Industry Courses

Browse our range of industry courses

Boiler Courses

Commissioning a Glow Worm Gas Appliance Overview of specific commissioning and set up / optimisation requirements for various VG boiler focusing mainly on D / P codes but also including range rating, FGA, degassing product / system 
Energy Product OverviewModule provides an overview of Glow-worm's range of Energy boilers, their key features & benefits, and specification outline. The session will also explain how they should be commissioned & set up for optimal use 
Easicom3 Boiler RangeAn introduction the complete range of Easicom3, including Combi, System and Open Vent boilers. You will be shown the main features and benefits of each product including installing, Commissioning and maintenance 
Betacom Combi Boiler RangeAn introduction to the Glow-worm Betacom combination appliances, covering the product benefits, control types including wiring, installation and commissioning with tips on using the diagnostics information for Benchmark documentation.
Energy Installation Commissioning & Service This training course will cover all the practical elements involved in the installation and commissioning of the Energy range of products, including wiring and diagnostics used during the commissioning sequence.

It is highly recommended that installers attend the online Energy Product Overview course prior to this course
Full day in-centre
Energy Diagnostic & Fault FindingThis training course will cover a step by step process using diagnostic and sequencing techniques to assist you to gain all the knowledge you require for diagnostic and fault findingFull day in-centre

You can sign in to Glow-worm Academy training courses through your Club Energy account.

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Controls Courses

Controls Part 1 - Systems & LogicThis course is the first course in our selection of controls courses and should be attended before any further controls courses and/or any in centre course
This course is designed to give attendees the underpinning knowledge and theory of efficient control of appliances and heating systems whilst also covering VA/GW control system logic and terminology
Suitable for both experienced engineers and those new to the industry as well as specifiers, surveyors and even end users.
No products covered in this module
Controls Part 2-Glow-worm Controls OverviewThis course is used as a pre-requisite for anyone wanting to progress further with our controls courses and come into a centre on a practical course
This course is aimed at all engineers wanting to learn more about the Glow-worm controls product range
Ideally suited to installers and engineers either new to Glow-worm or its controls, and engineers already installing Glow-worm products and wanting to learn more about the range of controls available.
Also suitable for domestic boiler installers, surveyors, specifiers and non engineers requiring this knowledge
No installation, wiring or setup specifics covered - product range familiarity only (range, model names/numbers, F&Bs, system compatibility etc)
Controls Part 3-Glow-worm Controls WiringThis course is aimed at engineers wanting to learn about the installation and wiring of Glow worm controls (setup covered in another course)
To cover basic combi control wiring (eBUS and 3rd party)
To cover basic system wiring (S and Y plans and S plan plus)
Controls Part 4-Glow-worm Controls Setup & UseThis course is aimed at all engineers wanting to learn more about the setup of our controls and what settings and parameters are available on them
-to cover key specific settings of various systems & control parameters
This online course will be supplemented by practical hands-on training in one of our Centres of Excellence.
Aimed at boilers systems only

Glow-Worm Controls Part 5 - Installation & SetupThis course brings together all of our on-line training into one in-centre training day that will allow you to practice everything you have learnt during the on-line stages.
The course will cover how to specify the correct type of control, the installation including physical wiring, powering up and commissioning of the system to specific requirements.
Full day in-centre

You can sign in to Glow-worm Academy training courses through your Club Energy account.

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Industy Courses

Commercial Heating Systems & SeparationThis module provides an overview of commercial heating and how system separation using plate heat exchangers can prolong system life and efficiency. (Validated by CIBSE as a CPD session – certificates can be issued if required) 
Hydrogen This session provides an introduction to hydrogen and the role that green gases will play in decarbonising heat in buildings. (Validated by CIBSE as a CPD session – certificates can be issued if required) 
Water QualityModule considers the importance of good water quality and provides an introduction to best practice techniques including recent changes to BS7593 
Unvented Hot Water Storage CylindersThis module provides an overview of Vaillant's range of unvented hot water storage cylinders and considers key requirements of Building Regulations G3

You can sign in to Glow-worm Academy training courses through your Club Energy account.

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Why Train with Glow-worm


24/7 access to our pre-recorded training sessions for more convenience.


Trainer-led live online sessions integrate training into your working day.

Learning Pathways

Guidance through your training journey to keep your training on track


Earn Club Energy credits for completing our online or in-centre courses


Trainer led content allows you to access more support outside of our centres of excellence.


Earn certificates by completing courses through your Club Energy account.

Glow-worm Academy

On-Demand Courses

Practical Courses

Glow-worm Academy

The Glow-worm Academy offers you a convenient online platform with a large selection of training options tailored to you and your business needs, giving you even more opportunities to expand your technical know-how no matter the time of place.

Here at Glow-worm we put all our energy into helping you become successful so that we can all help keep Britain glowing. 

You can sign in to Glow-worm Academy training courses through your Club Energy account.

Not got a Club Energy account? Sign up here

On-Demand Courses

Our on-demand training courses are available through the Glow-worm Academy, and allow candidates to watch live webinars and attend lessons, making the experience as close to the classroom as possible.

Courses that we have available online include:

  • Boiler courses
  • Controls courses
  • Industry courses

You can sign in to Glow-worm Academy training courses through your Club Energy account.

Practical Courses

Our hands-on training courses are hosted nationwide through our Centres of Excellence, allowing you to get first hand experience of Glow-worm's heating systems and solutions alongside our dedicated training team.

Courses that we have available in-centre include:

  • Boiler courses
  • Controls courses

You can sign in to Glow-worm Academy training courses through your Club Energy account.